What does this endpoint do?

The purpose of this endpoint is to initiate a ramp process. The flow it follows is determined by the properties you include in the request. To initiate an on-ramp process, you need to specifically include the cryptoWithdrawalInformation in your payload, ensuring the cryptocurrency is sent to the correct wallet. For an off-ramp process, you must provide the fiatWithdrawalInformation to ensure the funds are sent to the correct PIX key. For the checkout process, neither of these properties should be filled.

For all processes, note that only one type of quote information should be included. In other words, if quoteId is provided, you must not include quoteRequest.

To correctly provide the quoteId, you must use the Request a Quote endpoint.

The ramp process can have the following statuses:

  • SwapOrderCreated: When the process is initiated, and a ramp is created.
  • DepositReceived: When the initial deposit for the ramp has been received.
  • TradeCompleted: When the trade process between parties has been successfully executed.
  • WithdrawalCreated: In on-ramp and off-ramp processes, this indicates the start of the withdrawal process.
  • WithdrawalProcessing: The ongoing withdrawal process.
  • WithdrawalCompleted: When the withdrawal process is successfully completed.
  • SwapOrderCompleted: The final status of the ramp, signifying successful completion
  • SwapOrderError: The final status of the ramp when it concludes with an error.
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