Before you begin, it is highly recommended to review the Withdraw Flows (Pay-out) start page, as it explains some of the terms used here as well, in case you haven't seen it yet.

What does this endpoint do?

The purpose of this endpoint is to retrieve a list of payment groups for an account based on its accountId.

The endpoint includes date filters to help narrow down a range of payment groups, as well as a limit on the number of groups that can be retrieved. The default and maximum limit is set to 4,000 payment groups. If a request exceeds this limit or is set to retrieve fewer than zero payment groups, an exception will be thrown, and an error message will be returned.

The response will include several parameters, each with the following meanings:

  • paymentGroupId: Unique identifier for the payment group.
  • totalAmount: The total value transacted in this payment group.
  • totalAmountPaymentsCompletedWithSuccess: The total value already transacted successfully.
  • numberOfPayments: The total number of payments in the group.
  • numberOfPaymentsPending: The number of payments with the pending status.
  • numberOfPaymentsProcessing: The total number of payments currently being processed.
  • numberOfPaymentsCompletedWithSuccess: The total number of payments completed without errors.
  • numberOfPaymentsCompletedWithError: The total number of payments that encountered errors.
  • createdAt: The date the payment group was created.
  • createdAtDetailed: The detailed creation date, including the time.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!