
Before you begin, it is highly recommended to review the Deposit Flows (Pay-in) start page, as it explains some of the terms used here as well, in case you haven't seen it yet.

What does this endpoint do?

This endpoint is designed to retrieve all deposit orders associated with a specific AccountId.

Deposit orders can have the following statuses:

  • DepositCreated: QR code created and awaiting payment
  • DepositCompleted: QR code successfully paid
  • DepositError: This occurs when a generic error happens during the deposit flow, preventing the generation of the QR code.
  • DepositReimbursedCompleted: This status appears when a flow is blocked due to certain mapped conditions, resulting in a refund of the deposited amount. These flow blocks typically occur due to issues with the sender's tax ID, such as when the ID is invalid, belongs to a minor, or is on our blacklist, making transactions impossible.

These statuses will also be included in the response.

As this is a paginated endpoint, you can control the number of results returned by specifying the pageSize parameter.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!