What does this endpoint do?

The objective of this endpoint is to retrieve all account information associated with your clientId. The clientId is obtained via the authorization token sent in your request. For more details on the authorization token, we recommend visiting the Authentication section.

The response will contain the following properties:

  • accountId: Unique account identifier.
  • bankName: The name of the bank associated with the account.
  • bankBranch: The bank branch number or reference agency
  • bankAccount: The code representing the account at the bank.
  • isPixPaymentEnable: A flag indicating whether the account can perform Pix transactions (if you want to learn more about Pix, please follow this link).
  • pixKeys: The required keys to execute Pix transactions.
  • currency: The currency allowed in the account.
  • bankBeneficiaryName: The name of the account beneficiary.
  • bankBeneficiaryTaxId: The unique tax identification number of the beneficiary.
  • bankBeneficiaryTaxIdCountry: The country of the beneficiary’s tax identification.
  • feePayIn: The fee amount charged for pay-in operations.
  • feePayOut: The fee amount charged for pay-out operations.
  • feeBankReconciliation: The fee amount charged for bank reconciliation operations.
  • feeFlat: The flat fee amount charged for certain operations.
  • wallet: The wallet used for cryptocurrency transactions.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!