
Before you begin, it is highly recommended to review the Withdraw Flows (Pay-out) start page, as it explains some of the terms used here as well, in case you haven't seen it yet.

What does this endpoint do?

The purpose of this endpoint is to create a payment (or a payment group). Although the endpoint is structured to handle a list, only one object is accepted per request.

Each transaction is made from the account corresponding to the AccountId in the path parameter to the account specified in the body of the POST request. It is important to note that the currency between the accounts in the transaction must be the same.

Payment methods vary by country due to the different ways money can be transferred. Each country has its own system for moving funds between parties. In Brazil, for example, there are two main options: transfers using bank information (including bank account, branch number, and bank code) or transfers via Pix Key .

Remember that the TaxID parameter is always mandatory, that is, it can never be omitted, regardless of whether the payment is being made using a pix key or the account's bank information.

Contract example of transfer via Pix Key and Bank Information:

    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "[email protected]"
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "+5512345678910" // Note: β€œ+55" prefix is mandatory
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "12345678910" //Note: must contains only numbers
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "12345678000190" //Note: must contains only numbers
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
    "amount": 1500,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Dino da Silva Sauro",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "bankAccount": "1899-8",
    "bankBranch": "0901",
    "bankCode": "231"

Some common error cases:

    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "anacatarinas2gmail.com"
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "999999999" 
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "123.456.789-10"
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "pixKey": "12.345.678/0001-90" 
    "amount": 370,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Irmao do Jorel",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "pixKey": "12345678910"

However, in the case of a QR code payment flow, there is a significant distinction. Before proceeding with the payment, it is essential to use the payment preview endpoint to ensure that the code has not already been used for a completed payment. This endpoint will also provide all the necessary payment details to create the payment contract. Below is an example of a QR code contract:

    "amount": 1500,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "name": "Timmy Turner",
    "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
    "taxId": "12345678910",
    "qrCode": "00012345671226890014br.gov.bcb.pix2567brcode-h.sandbox.fakeinfra.com/v2/c3957f884d7542ac8ef5b4a1a2da265d5204000053039865802BR5925Fake Ltd6014Rio de Janeiro62070503***630412F5"

For Argentina, the CBU/CVU property must be filled to process transactions.

    "amount": 1500,
    "currency": "ARS",
    "name": "Fred Flintstone",
    "taxIdCountry": "ARG",
    "taxId": "27870432097",
    "cbuCvu": "1234567890090418135201"
    "amount": 10000,
    "currency": "ARS",
    "name": "Fred Flintstone",
    "taxIdCountry": "ARS",
    "taxId": "27870432097",
    "alias": "12a345a6789"

For Nigeria, we just need to fill the following properties:

    "amount": 1.50,
    "currency": "USDT",
    "name": "Nigerian Example",
    "taxIdCountry": "NGN",
    "taxId": "7654444432",
    "outputCurrency": "NGN",
    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "phoneNumber": "+9877776645",
    "bankAccount": "0987654332",
    "bankCode": "011",
    "bankBranch": "Lagos"

For Euro withdrawal, we just need to fill the following properties:

    "amount": 150,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "name": "NapoleΓ£o Bonaparte",
    "taxIdCountry": 250,
    "taxId": "27870613097",
    "iban": "FR1420041010050500013M02606"

For Crypto withdrawal, we just need to fill the following properties:

        "amount": 100,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "taxIdCountry": "BRA",
        "taxId": "89953635099",
        "wallet": "0x7756aD1a21b3648f747FFeB937017034B02A9620",
        "blockchain": "Ethereum"

Payments can have four main statuses. The possible statuses are:

  • Pending: Payment is being prepared by Transfero.
  • Processing: Payment has been sent to the bank and is in process.
  • ProcessedWithError: Payment was rejected.
  • ProcessedWithSuccess: Payment was successfully settled.
  • Completed: Payment is currently finished processed

If the payment is rejected or in the CompletedWithError status, the reasonsForPaymentRejection property will contain the rejection reason provided by the bank.

All payments will be retained for 15 days in the production environment and 7 days in the staging environment. If you require a history of payments, please ensure that you obtain it from the Transfero portal.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!